==== Local Installation (AMPPS software stack) ==== AMPPS is an easy-to-install software stack of Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, Python and Softaculous auto-installer that can be used on Desktops and office servers. 1. First of all you should install this software to you local machine. Please follow the following instructions: http://www.ampps.com/wiki/Install 2. Launch AMPPS program 3. Click on the 'Home' icon. {{:install:linstall.png?500}} 4. The system will open the Softaculous page in your default browser. Find and click on the Social Networking section. {{:install:linstall1.png?500}} 5. You will be directed to that category. Find and click on the Oxwall title. {{:install:ainstall2.png?500}} 6. Click on the 'Install' button at the top of the page. {{:install:ainstall3.png?500}} 7. Fill in the form and click on the 'Install' button at the bottom of the page. {{:install:ainstall4.png?500}} The installation process has been completed. {{:install:ainstall5.png?500}}