===== How to add a Welcome/Disclaimer page? ===== To add a **Welcome** page with important information (welcome text, warning message, etc) that pops up to visitors the first time they open your site URL, you can use the **Splash Screen** page. To activate the **Splash Screen** page you should go to Admin Area > Pages > Special pages > Splash Screen: 1. Check the **Enable** box. 2. Enter your text to the **Text/HTML** area. |**Note:** You can use either plain text or HTML wrapped text.| 3. Edit the **Enter** button label. 4. Add your own **'Leave' URL** ((if a visitor does not accept your disclaimer, the **Leave** button will redirect them to the URL indicated by you in this field)) 5. Click **Save**. {{:faq:site_configuration:splash_screen_2.png?500|}} |**Note:** The **Splash Screen** shows up when a users opens you site for the first time. The **Splash Screen** log is saved in the browser cookies, thus preventing it from showing up repeatedly for a particular visitor. But if the user logs out and closes the browser - the cookie logs are removed. Thus, when they open your site after that, they will see the Splash Screen again. |